Wednesday, March 11, 2009

today, i received in the mail the following things...

Inside my massive, extremely heavy package from home were these things:

1) two sdhc memory cards and a card reader. 
2) 3!!!! lbs of trail mix
3) campbell's soup for my microwave-less dorm room with the caption (in case you get sick)
4) 3!!!! packages of gatorade "powder packs"
5) beef jerky
6) brownies
7) chocolate chip cookies
8) musical stickers???
9) sunscreen
10) 30!!! 2 bar packages of granola bars
11) crackers crackers and more crackers
12) water purifier
13) a bookmark from japan??? hmmmm?
14) 3 cheap button downs to give away in haiti
15)  A LIGHT UP BOW TIE!!!! complete with four leaf clovers that light up as well as gold leaf four leaf clovers... with the caption, "to wear when you drive the vomit comet. :-)"
16) and the most important... bubble wrap! 


i love my mom. 

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