Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dear Secretary-General Moon,

Please do not treat this as politics as usual, and may you and your assembly move beyond the said responsibility to protect into a new era of a practice to protect. However, while you work within the system, and wait for deliberations and reports, we the people will try our hardest to do what we can to pursue our collective liberty.

In an article that came out today, Secretary-General Moon urged the international community to move beyond its responsibility to protect, as outlined in 2005, to a practice of protecting. Read the article

“Never forget, too, the complacency and cynicism that often prevented this Organization from acting as early or as effectively as it should have,” he added. “Our publics judged us then, and found us wanting. They will be watching again this week, and they will – rightfully – judge us harshly if we treat these deliberations as politics as usual.”

-Ban Ki-Moon

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