Saturday, May 2, 2009

So there's this war that most of us haven't heard about. It's pretty complex, and with it's different parts, has become the world's most deadly and longest running war. In the last eight years, at least 5.4 million people have died, a death toll not unlike that of the holocaust. 70% of the world's rapes are in this region and are a product of the instability and destruction from this war. Thousands of children have been abducted and conscripted into the rebel armies to fight in the war, children mainly between the ages of 5 and 15. 

Because of these horrors and atrocities, people are starting to wake up, and we're beginning to find out and see images and video of what's going on, here in living rooms, and on our computer screens. But the choice is ours as to whether we too will wake up and realize that there are things that are wrong in this world, and that we DO have the power to do something about them. 

Falling Whistles is an organization based in Los Angeles that is trying to expose the story of this war and someday bring an end to it. They're passionate, brilliant, and creative in the ways they're tirelessly working to combat this war and bring peace to Congo. Read the story, and their blog, at They've chosen the image of the whistle (you'll read about the origins of that in the story on their website) as a symbol of blowing the whistle for change. Become a whistleblower and buy a whistle. Raise awareness and blow the whistle for change. 

Discover the journey is another initiative trying to bring peace to Congo. They've got this beautiful vision of peace and they're selling sets of t-shirts. One for you to wear to raise awareness and bring a message of peace, and the other for a former child soldier in Congo to wear to be a messenger of peace in Congo. Watch the video at: Buy a shirt. 

Now you know. And now it's your turn to respond, which takes some effort and some work. Read the Falling Whistles story. Watch the Discovery the Journey video. It's important that you do. There's this quote from this man on the streets in Haiti that has come to define who I am: 

"If you came to help me, you are wasting your time, but if you came because you understand your liberation to be bound with mine, then let us walk together."

Read the story

because our liberation as people in this world is bound together. 

Become a whistleblower for peace.

Love wins.

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